Swap or exchange 12 Gauge Mount

Request a free sub gauge mount with your ShotKam order instead of the standard 12-Gauge. Learn how to customize your order and shop our accessories.

Can I get a different mount with my ShotKam?

Yes, we can include a free sub gauge mount instead of the free 12-Gauge with a new order. Each ShotKam purchase includes a free attachment (typically the 12-Gauge), all spare accessories, and a carrying case. If you do not shoot with a 12-Gauge, then we can include any one of the available attachments instead for free. Please shop our mounts below: 

To receive a custom invoice with a different mount, please email support@shotkam.com with the following:

  • Your shipping address
  • Phone number
  • Order details (ex. one Gen 4 ShotKam with 20 Ga mount instead of the 12 Ga)
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