Green and yellow LED lights: WiFi Mode

Find out why the yellow and green LED lights appear on your ShotKam Gen 3 and how to troubleshoot any issues. 

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Yellow and Green LED Lights: WiFi Mode

If your ShotKam is showing yellow and green LED lights, it is successfully in WiFi Mode. Once the yellow LED begins to flash, the ShotKam is connected to the ShotKam app on your mobile device. This mode can be used to change settings, align your reticle, and watch videos in the ShotKam mobile app.

If one of the LED lights does not turn green (LEDs stay yellow), please click here for more instructions

Flashing yellow and green.png

Flashing Yellow and Flashing Green

If your ShotKam is showing flashing yellow and flashing green LED lights in WiFi Mode, this may indicate that your ShotKam's battery is low. Please fully charge your ShotKam. 

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