Sending and sharing videos

Learn how to share ShotKam videos via text or social media using the ShotKam app. Discover why email isn't suitable and explore other sharing options.

How do I share my videos via text or social media?

To download your videos in the ShotKam App, connect to the app (instructions here), then tap on "Watch Videos." Tap on the checkmark in the top right corner, then select up to 5 videos to export. Tap the blue download button, then "Save To Photos." Once downloaded, your videos will now be saved in your device's photos/videos app where your other videos and photos are. You can now share your shots through text messages or directly onto YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

Screenshot of the "Watch Videos" page within the ShotKam App:



Can I email my videos? 

No, your videos will be too large to attach in an email. An email is limited to 20 MB, but your videos will be over 60 MB. To share videos, upload them to YouTube, WeTransfer, Google Drive, or Dropbox which all have free account options.


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