Watching videos in slow motion

Play ShotKam videos frame-by-frame on your computer or mobile device. Follow instructions for Windows, Mac, Android, and Apple devices.

To play your ShotKam videos frame-by-frame, you can use either your computer (recommended), or on your mobile device such as an iPhone, iPad, Android, or Tablet.

Slow motion on a computer (recommended):

  • Windows PC: Click here for instructions on how to install VLC Media Player, then use the "e" key on your keyboard to go frame-by-frame.
  • Mac Computers: Click here for instructions on how to install Elmedia Play, then pause the video (spacebar) and use the arrows on keyboard to go frames forward and backward.

Slow motion on a mobile device:

  • Android or Apple device: Click here for instructions on how to watch your videos frame-by-frame within the ShotKam mobile app (see step 3). use the tick bar at the bottom of the screen to scroll forward and backward by frame.




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