Computer not recognizing ShotKam

Troubleshoot ShotKam not appearing on your computer. Learn steps for rebooting, checking connections, and resolving issues on Mac and Windows PCs.

ShotKam Not Appearing

If the ShotKam is not appearing on your computer, please check the following: 

  • Is the red LED light flashing on your ShotKam? If not, perform a reboot:
  • Do you see a device named "Untitled" in Finder (Mac) or "USB-Drive" in File Explorer (Windows)? If so, this is the ShotKam device and it is being recognized. Simply click on this device to access your ShotKam footage. 

If the above does not resolve the issue, please check the instructions below depending on your computer. 

Mac Computer

  1. Use a different USB port on your computer to connect the ShotKam. 
  2. Use a different USB cable to connect the ShotKam. To purchase a new cable, learn more here: ShotKam accessories.
  3. Try a different computer. This will clarify if it's the ShotKam or computer-specific. If the ShotKam appears on a second computer, then safely eject it.
  4. If you are using a newer Mac computer with USB-C port and M1 or M2 chip, please click here for more information. 

If you have a Mac computer with M1 or M2 chip, you may also install the ShotKam mobile app from the App Store to view your videos wirelessly: How to install ShotKam mobile app


Windows PC 

  1. Use a different USB port on your computer to connect the ShotKam. 
  2. Use a different USB cable to connect the ShotKam. To purchase a new cable, learn more here: ShotKam accessories.  
  3. Lastly, try a different computer. This will clarify if it's the ShotKam or computer-specific. If the ShotKam appears on a second computer, then safely eject it.

*Be sure to safely eject your ShotKam each time you are disconnecting it from your computer. 

Please email us directly at if you are still unable to locate the ShotKam on your computer. 

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